Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Call to Worship

I am really excited! My best friend of 15 years is finally launching her website to promote her music and to secure concert bookings once again!

I have known a handful of really talented people in my life and Christabel is definitely one of those people. Over the last couple of years, God has really inspired both her lyrics and her music. But even back when I first met her, God was using her magnetic personality and awesome talent to bring glory to his name. Christabel was performing on stage way before I met her, in fact, by the time I met her she had already been dubbed "Professional Singer From the USA" in her hometown of Mizoram, India, and she had shared the stage at Disney World with a few recognized artists of the 80's and 90's. You can read more about this in the "About Me" section of her website.

It has been a privilege through the years to see how God has shaped and developed Christabel's talent. I had the opportunity to work in ministry alongside her in recent years. She led worship at Manchester Creek Community Church in SC, and I served with her there as the sound technician for 5 years or so. It was great to be part of that team with such a gifted and committed leader in place. I am sure I will never forget those years—they were some of the best that I've had so far.

Christabel has always had an incredible voice, but now to be able to hear her perform the music she has composed and the words that she has written ... it leaves me with a sense of awe. It's compelling, it's authentic, it's worship-inspiring, and it's such a beautiful picture of her own journey with God ... it really is a call to worship. Go and check it out for yourself!

I have placed a permanent link to the bottom of my blog also, so you can find her site again easily, but I encourage you to bookmark it and check back often for new music—you definitely won't be disappointed!

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