Thursday, March 19, 2009

It was a Drive-By Fruiting

"It was a drive-by fruiting!" This is what popped in my head as I settled into bed last night. The line comes from the hit movie "Mrs. Doubtfire" back in the early 90's. (Ok, I know, but I can't help it, the movie lines just pop in my head!) Anyway, Robin Williams, dressed like a woman, has worked his way back into the lives of his estranged wife and his children by posing as the perfect nanny. Meanwhile, his wife is dating Pierce Brosnan. At some point they all go out to a country club together and Mrs. Doubtfire throws a piece of fruit hitting Pierce in the back of the head. Pierce turns and looks at "her" and she says, "It was a drive-by fruiting!"

I was thinking about the post I had just written. I posed the question in that post, why doesn't God wait until we are married to give us the sexual desires ... and that got me thinking about fruit, the spiritual kind. The Galatians 5 kind ... love, joy peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control. Self-control and patience, or perseverance if you prefer—that is why he doesn't wait. God wants to develop these qualities in his children.

It's so cool to me how God will just speak something into my life—seemingly out of the blue and right when I need it. God is good.

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