Friday, May 21, 2010

My First Guest Post

Last week someone responded to a tweet that I posted for SIM. Her name is Catherine and she has been involved with SIM in the past for short-term missions work. We had a little conversation, "convo," as the cool people call it, on Twitter and she asked me if I would be interested in guest posting over on her blog.

So today I got an email from her that she posted my article. I was kind of nervous about what I might write for her, but when I sat down to do it, God came through and put a message on my heart that I think will encourage anyone who is following Christ. Seeing how God is at work in your life and the lives of others can be confusing sometimes, but he is there and he is at work. It would be great if you all would show her some love and jump over to and give the article and the rest of her site a read. Thanks for doing that! I hope you are encouraged by what you find there.

On many of the blogs that I follow there has been a recurring theme—ragging on social media in general and Facebook in particular. Not because of the security issues which have many people up in arms (although that is a theme as well), but because they think that somehow social media is discouraging people from real relationships. I don't agree. It seems to me that if people want to avoid relationships, they will, regardless of access to social media. For me, it has been a great platform to get to know people that I am either not in close proximity to, or to get to know those that are nearby that I didn't know before. I plan to have my first "tweetup" next week with my new acquaintance. But I know a number of people who have been doing that regularly for a while, hence the new term. :)

Anyway, just a little plug for using social media to connect and share with people as you carry on with the good works that God prepared in advance for you to do! (Ephesians 2:10)


  1. I so agree, we can look on the social media options as negatives or as opportunities. I see Facebook as a platform to encourage and sometimes challenge or just 'laugh' with others, share my faith journey and plant "seeds" that may draw someone into a life changing relationship with Jesus. I love the fact that I can keep up with the people that are close to my heart yet so far away in miles.

  2. Regarding your guest post, I so identify with what you are saying, Michelle. In fact, I recently had a conversation about that with Pastor Dennis. We know that we are to pray, believing that God will be gracious to us, and answer our prayers; then we are often shocked that He actually answered them in the affirmative!! What is that all about? I think that part of it is caused by those periods of self-doubt that tell us that we don't deserve God's grace (and we don't - that's why it's called "grace"); but I also know that Satan sows those seeds of doubt, against which we have to constantly pray - that the Holy Spirit will fill us with that peace that passes all understanding, and give us renewed hope and joy in Christ Jesus. It is definitely an on-going battle! The more time I spend in His Word, the more peace and joy I experience. You are so right - it is a daily decision - to trust and to praise - in the midst of all of life's ups and downs! I love you! Aunt Terri
