Thursday, March 19, 2009
It was a Drive-By Fruiting
I was thinking about the post I had just written. I posed the question in that post, why doesn't God wait until we are married to give us the sexual desires ... and that got me thinking about fruit, the spiritual kind. The Galatians 5 kind ... love, joy peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control. Self-control and patience, or perseverance if you prefer—that is why he doesn't wait. God wants to develop these qualities in his children.
It's so cool to me how God will just speak something into my life—seemingly out of the blue and right when I need it. God is good.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Adult Singles and Sex
Being a single thirty-something has it's challenges—either you already know this, because you are a single adult, or you can imagine as a married person—you were single once too.
Anyway, from time to time in my adult life I go through periods where I really struggle about the whole sex issue and my feeling is that the church-at-large doesn't know how to deal with it, or is too embarrassed to do so. I can count on one hand the sermons that I have heard that deal with this issue, and the ones that I have heard basically go something like this ... If you're single, God says, "Don't do it!" Duh, ok that's news.
I mean seriously ... that, in and of itself, is not helpful! I already know that. I am committed to that. But being single doesn't take away the natural desire to have sex, so what do we do with those desires? And why does God give us those desires if we are not married? I mean, couldn't he have waited? Like say, I don't know, on the wedding night maybe throwing sexual desire in the mix?! BAM! That would be awesome! But he doesn't do it that way.
So, I am going somewhere with all of this ... so I have actually looked for, and found, some really good and helpful teaching on the Internet! My latest find has been Mark Driscoll's series called the "Peasant Princess" and it has been really awesome!
He taught through the Song of Songs late last year and he has put the whole series on the Internet for the world to see. If you haven't heard of him, let me fill you in a little bit. He is a pastor at Mars Hill Church, in Seattle, Washington, and by his own account, it is one of the least "churched" cities in America today. The congregation there is mostly twenty-somethings and mostly single. If you want to preach to a tough crowd, this is it. And not only does he preach God's word, he takes live text-message questions at the end of each session and answers them on the spot with his wife. Can you say uncomfortable?! He also has a number of Q&A posted on youtube.
I would encourage all of you, any of you, single or married, to take the time to watch this series. If your married, try to watch it with your spouse.
As a single who is committed to live in purity, this has been another great season of reminder. It reminds me that sex God's way is good, not perverted and twisted like it is on tv, on billboards, in movies, or in magazines—and just let me clarify that I am talking about productions and publications that regular people come in contact with everyday. It's like a refresher course on the Theology of Sex 101. God made it, he gave it as a gift to heterosexual couples in marriage, it is meant to be enjoyed, and it should promote unity and oneness in marriage.
Does the reminder solve all of my personal frustrations or take away the desire? No, but it does help in that it reminds me how good God is, that he knows what I need, that Jesus was also tempted in every way, and yet did not sin. It renews my will to wait on God and trust what he says is best for me.
I know that I am not the only one who struggles with this, and I know getting married doesn't solve all of the issues—marriage is another whole subject for another blog! So I hope for those of you who are genuinely trying to live as "image bearers," as I am, that this is as encouraging to you as it is to me. We can live in victory!
I would love to hear thoughts and comments about what you think. I have really put myself out here, but I think the cause is worthy. This debate, if it continues to go on without God's voice, well ... I hate to think where it will go from here.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Birthday Weekend and ...
On Sunday, my little "Chinese sister";) cooked a beautiful Indian curry and some daal (lentil soup), and invited a few good friends and my parents over. (I never know who to expect over there, so it was a fun surprise!) It was so relaxing and nice. All of the kids played together really well—they almost outnumbered the adults!—and we all got some good "hang out" time in. It was a huge blessing!
Today, I met with some friends and my dear, sweet mom for lunch. I walked back to work from the restaurant, and then had a nice walk later in the afternoon with one of the volunteers who comes and helps me out at work. She and I have gone to lunch a number of times now and I really appreciate not just her work, but her friendship too.
I am excited about my 36th year of life. I look forward to what life has in store for the next year—even in the face of the financial crisis (the SIM leadership team is reviewing my whole office to make budget cuts for the next fiscal year even as I write this!)—because I know that God is faithful.
One of the things that Pastor Scott said on Sunday was that the hope of the Christian is different—it's not like "hoping that it doesn't rain"—it's a hope that is based on the person and work of Jesus. It's a sure thing! As believers we do know "the rest of the story"—and we don't need Paul Harvey to tell us what it is! We just need to believe what God says in his Word!!
I don't have the exact numbers, but one of our financial officer's at work, who was leading our chapel a week ago, gave us the percentages for the increases in giving from 1929—the Great Depression—up through the next 10-15 years—and do you know what?? The giving to SIM went up every year—even in 1929! And it was the 2nd or 3rd year that it was up nearly double!!
But regardless, God does have a plan for his children. It doesn't matter what you do or where you work; it doesn't matter whether you raise your support or whether you get paid by an employer—God's economy is different, and he will never need the federal government to bail him out!
So, just an encouragement not to get all caught up in the doom and gloom of the media on either side. Be wise, be faithful, continue giving ... because there is plenty in God's storehouse to cover your every need.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Making New Connections
It's been a couple of years since I have been involved regularly in a church. My 2 years with the JESUS Film really kept me on the move, and last fall I decided that I should change churches altogether ... a tough decision, but I still believe that it was the right one.
Last night I went to my first "house gathering" which is the small group ministry of the Gathering Fort Mill. It was great to hang out at a church function again with like-minded people. I am looking forward to getting to know them better—studying the Word, serving, and having some "just for fun" times too.Being an introvert, sometimes I find myself wondering if community is really that important ... then I end up spending a ton of time by myself and the answer becomes clearer. God did create us for community—to encourage one another, to challenge one another, and to share each other's burdens through praying and helping out where we can.
I am thankful for the church ... and for the wider community of believer's that God has placed in my life. It's time for me to get off my butt and start serving again, so here I go ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Reflections ...
In less than a week, I am turning 35—I can hardly believe it, although I have to admit I am starting to feel it. As I was growing up, my parents used to say something like "The older you get, the faster the time goes." I didn’t believe them at all then, but I know now just how right they were! All I need to do to confirm the old adage is to look at how big my nephews and nieces are getting! Man, my parents must feel really old sometimes when they look at me!!
Anyway, I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the more birthdays become a time for reflection. I can honestly say I don’t have any glaring regrets, and more importantly, I can clearly see the hand of God in my life. Even before I came to know him as my Savior, I had a distinct feeling that he had “picked me” to be a part of his team! Cool huh? But since then, what a ride!
The last year has been particularly interesting, as I have tried to settle back into a more “normal” life in SC. After spending ’06 and ’07 in FL, and all over the rest of the world, it has been kind of weird that I have been in one place for the last year. I moved back to SC one year ago as of March 1, 2009, and I have to confess that things are much different one year later than I would have ever imagined them to be. To tell the truth, I didn't really know what to expect.
There was a time—in the not too distant past—when I thought that all I would ever do really well was something in construction. I still enjoy working with my hands, but my knees and back thank me that I don’t have to:).
I have a great job—Web Content Editor for—that I really enjoy, and that pushes my present abilities to the limit more days than not. Trying to express in words what God is doing on the other side of the world is less easy when you are not a “front-line” observer. But I enjoy the new challenges that my job brings, and in a time where so many people are either jobless or afraid of losing their jobs, it feels good to work for a Christian organization that is doing everything it can to keep people working.
As I look back I can see how God has orchestrated my life to bring me to this point—a supportive family, solid Christian friends, a Bible-based church, experiencing the broader world through traveling, and getting to know and work with people from very different cultures than my own—it’s really cool to see how everything has had meaning and significance, and shapes my life today.
As I go forward, I hope turning 35 will not only be a reminder of what God has done, but that it will also be an impetus for me to move forward like he is not finished with me yet!
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Whole New World
"Image Bearer" is primarily for friends and family who want to hear about what's going on in my life, but I hope that anyone who stumbles onto it, regardless of their spiritual bent, will get a taste of what being a follower of Christ is all about. To that end, this will not mainly be "daily diary" style, but will hopefully go a bit deeper. Anyway, if you have found this, I hope you find some things that encourage and strengthen you for your own journey.
Stay tuned for more ...