I am now working at SIM International in Fort Mill, SC. I write and edit web content for www.sim.org, I send out our monthly newsletter, assist with putting together our international magazine, manage our social media platforms, etc.—I love my job. I have largely kept my feet on the ground for the last two years since I finished my stint—two years (2006-2008)—traveling with the Jesus Film Project, but now I have an increasing desire to get back in the air. To once again fly to places unknown and share experiences with believers who bravely live for God and with those who do not know him yet.
One of the things that SIM does really well is that they understand that excellence happens when they provide opportunities for people to work in the areas that they are both gifted for and passionate about, and when their people experience and understand the fullness and extent of the global mission to which God has called us. SIM is a faith mission, which means that the entire organization ultimately runs on the donations of God’s generous people around the world. To make travel possible for me, SIM has allowed me to open an ongoing ministry account so that I can invite you to participate with me in the adventures of this next phase.

My first trip …
In a few short weeks, I will be traveling to SIM’s Wetheringsett, UK office in England for a week of meetings with the SIM UK communications group. This is a crucial trip for me, not only to meet our UK office staff that I communicate with regularly, but also because I will be able to meet face-to-face with Suzanne Green, with whom I work very closely, via email and Skype, to create each issue of our international magazine, Serving In Mission Together. Meeting face to face will take us far beyond what modern technology is able to accomplish and allow us to establish a more personal working relationship, which we have been looking forward to for quite some time.
I am asking you to join me in partnership once again. I can’t begin to tell you of the great impact that your prayers and financial gifts make to the overall mission of Christ and how honored I am that you choose to give toward what God has called me to, and in effect he has called you too! Thank you for participating in mission with me once again.
Please pray for: (Trip dates: Aug 7-14)
1) Good relationships to be established through this trip.
2) Suzanne and I as we get to know one another and plan together.
3) Wisdom and creativity as we plan for effective communication initiatives.
It's not the size of your gift that matters, but the heart behind it. God loves a cheerful giver, so keep that in mind as you decide whether to participate in this way.
You can give online at: https://usanet.sim.org/SIMGift/detail.aspx, designating your gift to Michelle Pack’s ministry account #014905-058.