This weekend I had the opportunity to go away with three of my closest friends. We went to Rutherfordton, NC to a place called Promise Land Farm. The couple who own the place decided to use their land to provide a free refuge for missionaries, pastors and others who serve in full-time ministry.
We aren't able to get together much, the four of us, in fact I think the last time we got together for a weekend away was about ten years ago. Just for fun here are a couple of photos from that trip ...

One of the funnest things about getting together with these ladies, for me at least, is that we relive the memories of the past. We have some really funny memories that we revisit every time we get together! Rachel and Jennie are the planners and Christabel and I are the "fly by the seat of our pants" people—with the exception that I really like maps. I don't care where we are going, but I like to know how to get there!
Jennie by far is the most entertaining and gives us the most "material" which Christabel especially enjoys exploiting with her infectious laugh. Christabel is by far the most dramatic—this time it was a lizard running right at her as she was walking up a hill—I am sure that she caught air, and she screamed so loud that some passers-by stopped to laugh with us! I wish I had that on tape!! Rachel and I play the victim when we do something laughable ... "What?!? What I meant was ..." We try to explain it away, but the more we explain, the funnier it gets. Laughter ... it bonds us together in friendship.
These three ladies have been the most influential friends in my life. I am at a loss when I think about what life would have been like without them ... thankfully I don't have to know! I am an introvert, so I rejuvenate when I am alone usually ... but after 24 hours or so with this group I feel rejuvenated—like one of God's perfect blessings has been showered on me. It's so cool! I thank God for each one of them.

Here we are together on Sunday at Jennie's mom's house, wearing our new shirts on which Judi, Jen's mom and our friend, embroidered "Girls Out '09" with our name underneath.